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Tuesday 28 July 2015

School Life

My time at school was incredible! I was the only little Asian girl in my class but in those days nobody even cared, plus I looked almost Caucasian so I didn't look much different to normal people with a slight tan.

During my time at school I was loved by every single teacher I had ever met. This was due to me being so cute for one, I have to admit that I really was until I hit the teens. But also because I loved education, I still do for that matter, I was an avid reader, writer, mathematician, scientist. I didn't LOVE physical education, but who really does apart from the sports athletes you find in every class.

One of my favourite parts of being at primary school were the school plays. Everyone had to take part and learn the songs, dances and all sorts. I loved singing in them and even more that the singing I loved being on the stage, even if I was doing nothing :')

Reception or Year 1: I played Mary, yes Mary, in the Christmas play (I was so flipping cute, beyond words!)

Year 2: I was the Star in the school Christmas play, and they wrote about me in the local newspaper. I was the Star of the show ;) ha.

Year 6: I wanted to be Cinderella, but I didn't have the confidence to sing on my own, thankfully now looking back I'm glad I didn't sing! But I was Prince Charming's Mother and had to dance with one of the boys from school and it was probably one of the most awkward interactions I have ever had in my life.

What was your favourite time at school?

Eff xo

Tuesday 21 July 2015

First Day at School

To say I was treated like I was a celebrity going to my first red carpet event is probably about right! My whole family was awake to greet, cuddle and love me before I went off for my first full day at school. My mum or aunt had tied my long thick hair into a pony with some clips. I had on my white school shirt, a tie and blazer, a little black skirt with white tights and the most adorable black patent shoes. I looked like a mini business woman! The best part of my outfit was my lunchbox, it was a red plastic box with mickey mouse on the front, very briefcase like.

Before I had left the house, my parents had whacked out the video camera and the film picture camera and were snapping up all sorts of shots of my on my first day. This didn't end when we left the house, in fact.. It carried on until I had reached school and even inside school. (The horror some of you must be thinking and this would not be allowed nowadays, too many creeps.. But it was so cool back in the day). So there are pictures of me holding hands with my mum about to walk into my first class. Pictures with my teachers who I had only just met ha. The best picture is my mum, aunt and I all standing in a line on the playground with me eating some crisps after school. So funny, classic photo I wish to recapture with my own children one day!

My first day at school was caught on camera with no second thoughts about it. What was your first day of school experience like?

Eff xo

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Nursery Life

I loved nursery! I actually don't even remember who I went to nursery with or who took me, but I remember the staff and the toys ha. There was one lady who I loved, and she still works there (I know this as I volunteered there for the past year). She was the loveliest person, so sweet, kind and caring and she remembers my sitting on her lap when it was story time. I was a bit of teachers pet, well I still am to be honest, it's not a bad quality to have when you need to pass with flying colours.

The most vivid memory I have of my time at nursery was when I trapped my finger in the mini kitchen cupboard and saying it hurt was an understatement. It my was left hand ring finger, right on the nail. SLAM. Let's just say I was crying until I got picked up. The worst part of the whole ordeal was my finger nail actually came off because it was injured so badly. That was probably one of the worst moments of physical pain I can remember the blood and the nail just falling off.

But anyway, my time at nursery was the best. I truly hope my children have the same fun experiences that I did when I was younger as I built up my confidence and became a more active child. I don't think children have the same opportunities as many of us when we were younger, but I really want to make sure my children have the best childhood starting from nursery.

How was your time at nursery? Fun? Emotional? Adventurous?

Eff xo

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Background: Living Situation

So as you all know I'm 21 at the moment so let's recap my years from 1993 - 2003! Seems like a lifetime ago just writing the numbers 1993 and 2003 and I feel a bit old now, bah. I was not born in England, but I came here before the age of 3 so I do not remember anything from my home country unfortunately I suppose. I don't really mind not having any childhood memories from there though to be honest, I'm not hugely attached to that place.

So I was still a little bubba when I arrived here, I lived with my mum and dad, his brother and wife, their kids and numerous other family members who I may talk about in the future. There was a lot of us in the house and you may be thinking, the house must have been HUGE. No no no, please do not be mistaken. The house was not huge by any means, three of my girl cousins shared one bedroom which was probably the size of one and a half Range Rovers (I'm not good with estimations, you will find out!). There were many of us who doubled up and shared rooms but it was all well and good because when you are brought up with all of your cousins, you become sisters and brothers. So here begun the journey that has led me to this current point in my life.. You may wonder where they all are in fact so here is a short breakdown:

All three girl cousins have moved out and are married, I get along with two and not the other one (Watch out for future posts for the inside details). I have two beautiful little neices from one of the girl cousins.
Their brother is currently studying medicine abroad.
My little brother has just finished his first year of A Levels.
& I have just finished a BSc Hons with a 1:1 :)

Have any of you guys been in this position, so many people in one house to so few?

Eff xo

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Hi There

I wanted to create a blog to document my life story thus far and to keep the memories alive for myself and my future family. If you wish to read it and comment, feel free. But I will be starting right back at the start of my life and trying to remember and write about all of the events and happenings that have got me to sitting on my bed on the 30th of June 2015 writing this post.

To start off with, I was born in 1993 and I am a young lady now (21 to be precise). I have one little brother, he's 16 so not really very little and I have lived with my older cousins since before I can remember.

Where do I begin my lifestory? My earliest memory is probably when my little brother came home from the hospital in 1998 and I got to cuddle him like the big sister I finally was. I was always the youngest until he arrived, woo! He was so cute, cuddly and just a little bundle of joy to play and be around. Now unfortunately, we have both gone through teenager phases are are complete opposites of one another, more on that later.

What is your earliest childhood memory?

Eff xo